Food for good skin and health

April 29, 2008

I am sorry for my absence for almost two weeks. I am extremely upset that I am unable to access WordPress in Shanghai. I am trying to tap on proxy servers to get through the firewall.

I have been in Shanghai for a more than a week. I do like this place very much. The weather is cool but sometimes the wind sends down a chill into my bones!

Everything is great except my skin – it is cracking. I have been putting on more moisturizer for the past few days. I am heading to the mega supermarket to get baby oil later.

I came upon an advertising newsletter which is distributed out at the subway station. There is a section on lifestyle that talks about the type of food you could eat to improve the condition of various parts of your body.

Here are the tips:

Tip #1: Improve your hair condition

Eat small wheat which provides organic and natural nutrients. It also helps to prevent the growth of white hair, balding, and it provides a healthy shine to your hair!

This is really new to me. I am definitely going to try this out.

Tip #2: Care for your brains

It is really simple – just eat biscuits. With a well-balanced level of sugar, biscuits help our build our brains cells and improve memory.

I should have eaten more biscuits during my examination period.

Tip #3: Protect your eyes

Yes, it is definitely carrots which are rich in Vitamin A. It helps to improve eye sight, prevent astigmatism. Besides protecting your eyes, chomping down carrots would also make your skin happy.

Tip #4: Love your heart

Eat the silky, white and soft tofu which helps to prevent blood clots and high blood pressure. Tofu also contains calcium for your body.

I love tofu, and it is pretty easy to find tofu in Shanghai.

Tip #5: Protect your digestive system (This has been my health problem for ages)

This is not something everyone would like – garlic. It is reported that people who consume garlic often enough, would face lesser indigestion problems.

Tip #6: Get good skin (listen up everyone!)

The orange and funny looking vegetable that is iconic for Halloween – the pumpkin. (I am surprised too.) Well, pumpkin contains Vitamin A and helps reduce the risk of developing skin cancer.

I am posting this entry with the help of my dear friend in Singapore, Elaine. Thanks a lot my friend. I will definitely try to tap onto some proxy servers so that I can post more often. 

Eat an Egg today – easy way to be slim, smart and healthy!

February 29, 2008

Cook yourself an egg today.

Get Mum to cook an egg for you today.

Buy an egg from the food stall today.  

Here are some good egg-news!


#1 news: Egg helps in WEIGHT LOSS!

In a randomized trial of 160 overweight people who were placed on breakfast of either eggs or bagels with the same amount of restricted calorie diet, the egg eaters lost almost twice as much weight – 2.5 kilograms in comparison with the average 1.5 kilograms lost by participants who had bagels for breakfast.

New menu for my breakfast:Monday: hard-boiled eggs ~ Tuesday: scrambled eggs ~ Wednesday: half-boild eggs ~ Thursday: omelette ~ Friday: sunny-side up ~ Saturday: fried egg ~ Sunday: Any style

#2 news: Egg boost your brain function and health

Eggs contain choline, a key component of many fat-containing structures in cell membranes, whose flexibility and integrity depend on adequate supplies of choline. Two fat-like molecules in the brain, phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, account for an unusually high percentage of the brain’s total mass, so choline is particularly important for brain function and health. Two large eggs will suffice for slightly less than half our daily intake. Either that or you will have to settle with beef liver, dried soy beans and wheat germ for similar benefit.

Sorry, but I will go for eggs. Beef liver sounds too exotic for me. Wheat germ is too raw for me too. I do not mind dried soy beans, but I think I love eggs more.

 #3 news: Egg love your eyes

Eggs can protect against eye problems like Age-related Macular Degeneration (an eye disease that involves the degenerative process of the macula or central retina) and cataracts since it contains Lutein (a kind of carotenoid), in even higher doeses than some green vegetables like spinach. Lutein is well known for strengthening eyesight, guarding against cataracts and in preventing Age-related Macular Degeneration. To maximise your lutein absorption, combine both eggs and spinach in your cooking for a complete iron meal.

This is double happiness to me because I love egg and spinach. I did not know that when both are combined, they bring such great benefits and goodness.

#4 news: Egg prevents blood clots

Eggs can lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke by helping to prevent blood clots. This is according to a study in Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, which proved that the proteins in egg yolk are high inhibitors of human platelet aggregation. Platelets exist to help blood clot when we fall or cut ourselves, so that we don’t suffer from excessive bleeding; but they can form dangerous blood clots when clumped along a scaffold called Fibrin. The anti-clotting egg yolk proteins inhibits this clot formation.

This sounds serious. It makes more sense for our elderly in the family to take more eggs now.

Go ahead and eat more eggs… 

Studies have shown that consuming eggs do not significantly affect cholesterol levels in most individuals.  Eating eggs may even improve in blood lipids.


The information are sourced from an unbelievable free health and beauty magazine, ezyhealth&beauty. It is a great publication containing much more useful information that I could share about.

If you are in Singapore, go to Guardian pharmacy stores, you would be able to grab one for free. If you did not make any purchase, smile brightly at the cashier, I am sure you will still be able to get one copy.