Lying has health implications

March 19, 2008

We all know that telling one lie would need another 10 lies to cover up. Following that, you will need 100 lies to cover that 10 lies up, and the number of lies just snowball to a huge uncontrollable situation.

Well, you see that there would be a lot of stress during that whole lying process. I will let you understand better, how does lying create a negative impact on your health. Again, I gathered great source of information from CLEO (Singapore) April 2008 issue. I cannot emphasize more again that this issue is very value-for-money!

Say no to lying #1 – do not let others control you

I always feel obliged to please everyone, thus I will always say yes to every invitation or task given, even though I am 100% packed with other tasks on hand. This has been true since young – I have no idea how I adopted this character.

Anyway, the possible solution is to say no to additional burdens so that you will feel less stressful. Well, easier said than done – this takes a little courage. 🙂

Say no to lying #2 – be truthful to your own feelings

Most of the times, I usually hold back my feelings because I wish to have more control over them. However, this form of supressed feelings would accumulate and create a tickling time bomb within yourself.

You should find an outlet to release any negative feelings, such as talking to a close friend, writing a blog, praying to God etc.

Say no to lying #3 – prevent cancer!

I did not know the repercussion can be so serious – people who tend to lie have Type C personality, which are charateristics of many patients with cancer! (What is your DISC personality?)

Release your emotions today! Be truthful to yourself, there is no need to lie or be ashame to understand yourself. Most of all, love yourself.

What can vitamins do for you?

February 13, 2008

I have been taking Vitamin C and Calcium knowing that they prevent flu and helps build my bones, respectively. However, there are so many other supplements out there, and I am all confused! I want to know the most important thing – what can the vitamins do for me, how can it help me?

I have this very useful information that communicates various supplements in the way I like – it lists the problems we may face and then recommend the supplements that could rescue the problem. Check it out!

Rescue to…

1. Troubled Skin: Vitamin A & Essential fatty acids – Vitamin A nourishes skin and fights acne (great beauty help!) EFA helps skin hydration, eczema, psoriasis, etc

2. Stress: B Vitamins – Supporting nerve functions to help with fatigue, appetite, insomnia, headaches etc

3. Wounds and colds: Zinc and Vitamin C – Fight infections and stimulate immunity well together

4. Fatigue, heart failure and cancer: Coenzyme (CoQ10) – Combats free radical damage, improves blood pressure, energy, heart function and may even have cancer-fighting properties

5. Poor memory, fuzzy thinking: Omega-3, Ginko Niloba – Both help to improve memory, while oemga-3 also helps with brain functions.

6. Postnatal depression, premenstrual syndrome: Evening Primose Oil, Omega-3 and 6 – Essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency is a prime cause of postnatal depression syndrome by making red blodd cells more flexible, boosting metabolism, mood, energy level etc.

I have tried and tested Evening Primose Oil, and I think it works but you need to eat it regularly for at least three months to see some results

7. Dry and dull hair: Vitamin E – Improves circulation and condition of skin and hair The Body Shop has a product range on Vitamin E. I have not tried it before though.

8. Tiredness: Iron – Promotes blood formation and metabolism and increases energy.

9. Brittle hair and nails: Silica – Improves resiliency of teeth, skin, nails and bones!

10. Irritable, lethargic (for the mood swings days): Iodine, Magnesium – Idodine increases energy and metabolism levels. Magnesium supports a healty muscle and nervous system, helping them to relax.

11. High Cholesterol: Vitamin E – Reduces cholesterol’s ability to stick to artery walls, prevents heart disease, clots, stroke. (Remember, prevention is always better than cure!)

12. Aging, stamina loss: Calcium, Selenium – Calcium supports bones, teeth, clotting, muscle, nerve, and heart functions. Selenium is an antioxidant to prevent cell damage.

13. High blood pressure, migraine: Magnesium – For abnormal heartbeat and for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats to produce energy.